Yugo (II)

Yugo (II) Yuugo Beppu is a master negotiator and mediator. Fluent in five languages, Socratic wit, and a deep understanding of human nature combined with top-level international connections make him a formidable operator.

Alternative: Yugo The Negotiator, Yugo The Negotiator - In Osaka, Yugo The Negotiator - in Philippines ODA, Yugo The Negotiator - In Shimokita Peninsula, Yugo The Negotiator - In Tokyo - Tanegashima, Yugo The Negotiator - In Toyako Summit, Yugo The Negotiator - In Tsushima, Kitakyushu, Yugo The Negotiator - In Yokohama - Yokosuka, Yugo: Kitakyushu Tsushimahen, Yugo: Osakahen, Yugo: Phillipines Oda Hen, Yugo: Phillipines Oda-Hen, Yugo: Shimokita Hantouhen, Yugo: Shimokita Peninsula Hen, Yugo: Taiwan-hen, Yugo: The Negotiator, Yugo: Tokyou Tanegashimahen, Yugo: Toukyou Tanegashimahen, Yugo: Toyako Summit-hen, Yugo: Yokohama Yokosukahen, 勇午 フィリピンODA編, 勇午 下北半島編, 勇午 北九州・対馬編, 勇午 台湾編, 勇午 大阪編, 勇午 横浜・横須賀編, 勇午 洞爺湖サミット編

Release: 2004

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Authors: Shinji MAKARI

Artists: Shuu AKANA

List of chapters